Instruction & Curriculum


Our mission is to maximize the use of resources in support of student achievement.


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Academies (ACA)

ACA-F003Transportation Request Form for High School Academies 05/06/2019
ACA-F003_SPAcademies Transportation Request - Spanish Version05/06/2019
ACA-F006Academy FAQs03/03/2022

Adult Education (AED)

Alternative School (ALT)

Career Technical Education (CTE)


Curriculum (CUR)

CUR-F001Curriculum Scope and Sequence Writing03/18/2024
CUR-F002Curriculum Writing Notes03/18/2024
CUR-F006Benchmark Confidentiality Form04/27/2010
CUR-F017District Assessment Confidentiality Form09/23/2015
CUR-F018District Assessments Writing and Revision09/23/2015
CUR-F019District Curriculum Writing and Revision03/14/2024
CUR-F020District Confidentiality Form04/06/2017
CUR-F021Blended Learning Rubric12/11/2019
CUR-G001Assessment Writing QFIC Guide06/13/2016
CUR-G002Teacher Collaboration QFIC Guide08/20/2019
CUR-P001Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (JROTC) Cadet Uniform Management and Debt Collection03/27/2022

Elementary (ELS)

ELS-F001Registration Form K-5 02/12/2024
ELS-F001_SPRegistration Form K-5 (Spanish)11/21/2022
ELS-F007Emergency/Personnel Information02/12/2024
ELS-F030Pre-K Progress Report09/24/2021
ELS-F033Elementary School Supply List05/02/2016

English as a Second Language (ESL)

ESL-F028English Language Learner Program Recommendation During Transition 04/08/2022
ESL-F028_SPEnglish Language Learner Program Recommendation During Transition (Spanish)04/08/2022
ESL-F039Primary Language Survey10/04/2022
ESL-F039_SPPrimary Language Survey - Spanish10/04/2022
ESL-G001ESL Program Definitions, Forms, and Procedures Guide10/10/2024
ESL-G003ESL Student Plans and Grading10/12/2016
ESL-G005Reclassification Guide for Students Under Special Circumstances12/04/2017

Guidance Department (GUI)

GUI-F001Additional Documents for Entering High School Students06/05/2019
GUI-P001Guidance Dept. Creation/Maintenance of Student Records 09/21/2023
GUI-P002Preparation of Student Records for Storage/Transfer 02/01/2019
GUI-P003CMCSS Students Participating in Foreign Exchange Program 02/07/2022

High School (HIS)

HIS-F004Registration Form 9-12 08/18/2023
HIS-F004_SPStudent Registration Form (9-12) Spanish11/21/2022
HIS-F007Authorized Student Expenditures - High 02/21/2017
HIS-F007_SP2017-2018 Authorized Student Expenditures High School (Spanish)02/21/2017
HIS-F014Academy Academic Plans08/18/2023
HIS-F015IDS Out of Zone12/09/2016
HIS-F019Teacher Recommendation Form01/24/2018
HIS-F021NSCC Application01/09/2019
HIS-F024JROTC Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement09/04/2019

Instruction (INS)

INS-A001Emergency Information06/22/2022
INS-A002Field Trips and Excursions10/10/2013
INS-A003Flag Displays12/15/2014
INS-A004School Improvement Planning04/04/2016
INS-A005Interscholastic Athletics02/11/2019
INS-A006Career-Technical Education06/24/2024
INS-A007Career-Technical Work Experiences11/06/2014
INS-A008Teacher Effect Data/Value Added Policy07/30/2018
INS-A009Standardized Assessment Programs11/23/2015
INS-A010School Year07/11/2005
INS-A011Length of School Day07/01/2018
INS-A012Student Publications and Distribution of Literature10/15/2018
INS-A013Distribution and Care of Library Books and Other Materials and Equipment09/17/2018
INS-A014Lesson Plans04/25/2024
INS-A015Family Engagement01/30/2024
INS-A016Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying07/02/2024
INS-A018School Libraries04/19/2010
INS-A020Assignment of Students to Classes10/01/2012
INS-A021Advanced Placement and Honors Programs08/15/2024
INS-A022Advanced Level Diploma Programs12/09/2022
INS-A023Grading System Policy12/05/2024
INS-A024Promotion and Retention04/15/2024
INS-A025Semester Examinations08/02/2022
INS-A026Graduation Requirements02/02/2015
INS-A027Graduation Participation04/02/2018
INS-A028Early Graduation05/01/2018
INS-A029Class Rankings11/17/2022
INS-A030Selection of Valedictorian01/13/2023
INS-A031Dual Enrollment06/08/2015
INS-A032Student Observations05/02/2011
INS-A033CMCSS Students Participating in Foreign Exchange Programs06/13/2011
INS-A037Special Transfer Request09/11/2017
INS-A044Children and Youth in Transition (Homeless)02/01/2019
INS-A046Internet Safety and Technology Education03/24/2014
INS-A047Outside Service Providers08/14/2023
INS-A048Special Education Placement11/08/2010
INS-A049Confidentiality for State Assessments11/23/2015
INS-A050Service Animal Policy10/17/2016
INS-A051Physical Intervention for Students Receiving Special Education Services12/17/2019
INS-A060Middle School Algebra I Examination Policy08/02/2022
INS-A061Curriculum Policy06/27/2016
INS-A063Release of Students to Persons Exhibiting Risky Behavior02/01/2016
INS-A064Restraint of Students Using Reasonable Force12/17/2019
INS-A065Safe Relocation of Students09/17/2018
INS-A067Section 504 Administrative Policy10/28/2019
INS-A070Ownership of Student Created Work07/01/2014
INS-A073Parent/Legal Guardian Review of Instructional Materials07/24/2023
INS-A075Suicide Prevention04/05/2021
INS-A076Kindergarten Entry08/08/2016
INS-A077Credit Recovery11/07/2016
INS-A078High School Volunteer Hours Recognition04/08/2022
INS-A079Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (JROTC) Cadet Uniform Management and Debt Collection08/07/2017
INS-A080Students Residing on Ft. Campbell 09/25/2017
INS-A081Planning Time and Duty Free Lunch07/01/2018
INS-A083Student Discipline Policy06/27/2024
INS-A084Release Time for Religious or Moral Instruction09/08/2020
INS-A085Reporting Suspected Child Abuse10/04/2022
INS-A086Accommodating Department of Children's Services Investigations10/04/2022
INS-A087Chronic Health Policy06/24/2024
INS-A088Life-Threatening Allergy Policy03/01/2021
INS-A089Dual Enrollment Compensation Policy12/15/2022
INS-A090Teacher Residency Policy09/07/2021
INS-A091Library Services and Collection Policy08/08/2022
INS-A092Student Clubs and Organizations Equal Access07/24/2023
INS-A093Student Identification Policy11/28/2022
INS-A094Seal of Biliteracy12/05/2022
INS-A096Credit Exams for High School Coursework08/21/2023
INS-A097Stipend Program to Ensure Qualified Interim Case Managers08/28/2023
INS-F002Sign In/Sign Out Sheet08/06/2019
INS-F006Visitors Sign In/Sign Out Sheet04/08/2022
INS-F013Outstanding Fees Notice03/19/2018
INS-F027CMCSS Career-Technical Program Live-Work Contract07/06/2022
INS-F028Request for Field Trips/Excursions 09/08/2022
INS-F044Video and Film Usage Parental Consent Form 12/14/2022
INS-F044_SPVideo and Film Usage Parental Consent Form_Spanish11/21/2022
INS-F045Film/Video Usage Approval Form 12/14/2022
INS-F047Representative Information List 07/23/2018
INS-F048Physical Education Equivalency Verification 01/02/2018
INS-F049Student Observation Request 04/18/2011
INS-F089Admin Checklist for Remandment to Alternative School 10/08/2020
INS-F100Safe Relocation of Students 12/03/2012
INS-F101Yearly Bullying Report 10/06/2017
INS-F109School Improvement Plan09/16/2013
INS-F110Title II-A Plan09/06/2013
INS-F111Bullying and Harassment Incident Reporting and Investigation09/01/2023
INS-F115CMCSS RTI Record07/25/2016
INS-F118Parent/Legal Guardian Request to Review Materials Form03/02/2015
INS-F118_SPParent Request to Review Materials - Spanish Version03/02/2015
INS-F119Enrollment Notice - Students transferring from another U.S. school07/25/2023
INS-F119ALetter to Parents - Registration data needed07/25/2023
INS-F119A_SPLetter to Parents - Registration Data Needed - Spanish Version07/25/2023
INS-F120Enrollment Requirements - First time enrollment in public school03/24/2023
INS-F129Service Animal Request Form10/13/2016
INS-F131High School Volunteer Hours Recognition Form11/10/2016
INS-F133Ft. Campbell Student Enrollment Request09/25/2017
INS-F135Points Notification (print)12/16/2020
INS-F136Parent Permission Form for Released Time Classes for Religious or Moral Instruction09/07/2020
INS-F136_SPParent Permission Form for Released Time Classes for Religious or Moral Instruction - Spanish Version09/07/2022
INS-F137JROTC Homeschool Application03/26/2021
INS-F140DCS Referral Form07/25/2022
INS-F141Privacy Release and Consent Form for Virtual/Remote Instruction10/01/2020
INS-F142Chronic Health Verification Form06/13/2024
INS-F143Parent/Guardian Chronic Health Information Letter06/13/2024
INS-F144Instructional Plan for Students with Chronic Health Conditions09/01/2023
INS-F145Chronic Health Conditions Instructional Plan09/01/2023
INS-F146Parent/Guardian Expired Chronic Health Information Letter08/02/2022
INS-F150CMCSS K-12 Virtual Request to Return to Zoned School04/23/2021
INS-F151CMCSS K-12 Virtual Revocation Letter04/23/2021
INS-F152Section 504 Screening Determination for Evaluation07/13/2021
INS-F153Section 504 Request for Due Process Hearing08/02/2022
INS-F154CMCSS Adult High School FERPA FAQ and Waiver06/28/2021
INS-F155Section 504 New Referral Form07/05/2022
INS-F156Section 504 Complaint Form08/02/2022
INS-F157Student Grade Change Form08/03/2021
INS-F158Request for Student Placement Change11/16/2021
INS-F159Determination of Request for Student Placement Change Appeal11/16/2021
INS-F160Prohibited Concepts - Notice of Initiated Investigation12/09/2021
INS-F161Resolution Agreement - Prohibited Concepts in Classroom Instruction12/09/2021
INS-F162Consent for Minor's Participation in Investigative Process - Prohibited Concepts12/09/2021
INS-F163Prohibited Concepts - Written Determination12/09/2021
INS-F164Request for Reconsideration of Resource08/12/2022
INS-F165Mobile Crisis Referral Form08/11/2022
INS-F166Volunteer State Seal of Biliteracy: Student Application12/07/2022
INS-F167Clubs and Organizations Permission Form07/24/2023
INS-F168Qualified Case Manager Form09/05/2023
INS-G004Use of Reasonable Force in Restraint of Students - Training Guide 07/10/2018
INS-G005CMCSS Grade Conversion Chart 08/29/2022
INS-G007Monitoring Evaluation Guide07/29/2015
INS-G008Explicit Instruction Quick Reference Guide08/31/2017
INS-G009Explicit Instruction Model08/31/2017
INS-G010Explicit Instruction Responsibilities08/31/2017
INS-G015Suicide Postvention Guide07/25/2022
INS-G016Reporting Suspected Child Abuse06/13/2024
INS-G017Training Guidelines for Accommodating DCS Investigations06/13/2024
INS-G018Section 504 Parents Rights07/06/2022
INS-G018_SPSection 504 Parents Rights02/13/2024
INS-G019CMCSS Graduation Guidelines04/09/2024
INS-G020Providing Stipends to Ensure Qualified Case Managers08/13/2024
INS-M002CMCSS Student Laptop Handbook and Agreement07/15/2024
INS-M002_SpStudent Laptop Handbook and Agreement - Spanish07/28/2023
INS-M006Section 504 Manual07/22/2021
INS-P001Textbook Adoption 01/08/2015
INS-P002Establishing A School Improvement Plan 06/11/2010
INS-P003Curriculum Development, Evaluation and Revision 12/12/2022
INS-P004Federal Entitlement Budget 04/25/2024
INS-P005Emergency Information 10/17/2012
INS-P006Medical Emergencies 11/08/2017
INS-P007Request for Permission for Field Trips 03/18/2019
INS-P008Request for Permission for Excursion Trips 03/18/2019
INS-P009Display of Flags 11/20/2023
INS-P010Obtaining Chartered Transportation 06/21/2010
INS-P011Teacher Effect Data/Value Added 08/09/2018
INS-P012Cosmetology & Automotive Student Live Work 08/08/2022
INS-P014Approval of Request to Conduct Research 12/10/2024
INS-P014 Attachment AA Handbook for Research Procedures12/10/2024
INS-P014 Attachment BRequest to Conduct Research in CMCSS12/05/2024
INS-P015Special Course Application Procedure 07/07/2008
INS-P016Staffing Adjustment 07/02/2024
INS-P017Early Graduation 06/27/2024
INS-P019Dual/Joint Enrollment 06/24/2022
INS-P020Instructional and Non-Instructional Use of Videos and Films Procedure 12/14/2022
INS-P021Early School Dismissal 03/08/2018
INS-P022Elementary Level Promotion and Retention 05/03/2019
INS-P023Student Observation Request 05/01/2024
INS-P024Use of Reasonable Force in Restraint of Students 12/17/2019
INS-P025Safe Relocation of Students 07/01/2013
INS-P027Section 504 Grievance Procedure04/19/2022
INS-P028CMCSS School Improvement Plan Procedure07/29/2013
INS-P029Reporting Bullying Related Acts11/03/2016
INS-P030Investigating Bullying Related Acts10/26/2016
INS-P031Textbook Adoption Committee - Parent Participation Procedure12/14/2022
INS-P033Suicide Prevention06/13/2024
INS-P034Service Animals02/22/2024
INS-P035Credit Recovery Procedure12/05/2024
INS-P036High School Volunteer Hours Recognition Procedure06/27/2024
INS-P038Enrolling Homeschooled Students in JROTC12/14/2022
INS-P040Reporting Suspected Child Abuse06/13/2024
INS-P041Accommodating DCS Investigations Procedure06/13/2024
INS-P042CMCSS K-12 Virtual Enrollment Procedure02/09/2023
INS-P043Section 504 Records Procedure07/28/2022
INS-P044CMCSS Adult High School Enrollment Procedure06/28/2021
INS-P045Request for Student Placement Change Procedure10/05/2022
INS-P046Prohibited Concepts in Instruction Complaint Procedure12/09/2021
INS-P047Chronic Health Verification Procedure06/13/2024
INS-P048Library Services and Collection Procedure07/23/2024
INS-P049IDEA Compliance Monitoring Procedure07/15/2022
INS-P050Mobile Crisis Procedure06/13/2024
INS-P051Student Clubs and Organizations Equal Access Procedure07/24/2023
INS-P052Seal of Biliteracy Procedure12/07/2022
INS-P053Best Interest Determination for Foster Care Liaisons08/28/2023
INS-W001TripPlanner Instructions 06/03/2013
INS-W003Sending Cumulative Records from Elementary to Middle School09/08/2020
INS-W004Sending Cumulative Records from Middle to High School09/08/2020

Middle School (MIS)

MIS-F002Registration Form 6-8 08/18/2023
MIS-F002_SPRegistration Form 6-8 (Spanish)11/21/2022
MIS-F007Office Discipline Referral (Rossview MS)08/09/2017
MIS-F014RoMS Behavior Notification06/24/2015

Professional Development (PRD)

PRD-A002Induction for Newly Hired Teachers04/17/2017
PRD-F001Plan Course Creation Template 08/30/2016
PRD-F005Custom Professional Learning Activity Approval Form10/07/2021
PRD-F013Mentor Assignments for Newly Hired Teachers 03/25/2021
PRD-F014Contractor/Consultant Invoice 09/21/2023
PRD-F020PLAN Participant Roster, School Improvement Plan09/17/2020
PRD-F021PLAN Participant Roster, 504 Team 09/17/2020
PRD-F022PLAN Participant Roster, Support Team 09/17/2020
PRD-F027Stipend Payment Request06/13/2016
PRD-F038Classified Staff Compensatory Time Approval09/13/2017
PRD-F039PLA Sign-In Sheet11/01/2017
PRD-F042PLAN Participant Roster, Leadership Team03/19/2021
PRD-G003PLAN Course and Class Creation Flow10/24/2018
PRD-G004Professional Learning Activities Stipend Guidelines05/26/2016
PRD-G005In-Service Participation Options While on Leave of Absence or FMLA12/04/2024
PRD-G006Classified Staff Training Guidelines05/10/2023
PRD-P001In-Service Requirements Procedure05/16/2022
PRD-P005Certified Teacher Induction Procedure11/14/2022
PRD-P009In-Service Hours Reporting04/22/2021
PRD-P010Professional Learning Requiring a Substitute10/21/2019
PRD-P011ENGAGE Course Catalog 11/09/2023
PRD-W001Instructions for Accessing Online Classes on PLAN04/19/2024

Psychological Services (PSY)

Special Education (SPE)

SPE-A004Child Find and FAPE Policy06/17/2024
SPE-F003Special Needs & PreK Accountability Form 07/06/2012
SPE-F004Weekly Bus Log 04/04/2005
SPE-F007Life Skills Report to Parents 10/14/2005
SPE-F008IEP Goals Sheet Report of Progress 10/20/2005
SPE-F011Referral for Services 02/06/2009
SPE-F012Vision Services Referral Information 02/06/2009
SPE-F013Physical Therapy Referral Information 02/06/2009
SPE-F014Occupational Therapy Referral Information 02/06/2009
SPE-F015Student Invitation to Participate in the IEP Meeting 03/06/2009
SPE-F016Consent to Invite an Outside Agency 03/06/2009
SPE-F019Certification/Assurance 04/08/2013
SPE-F020Confidentiality Statement for Outside Service Providers10/28/2013
SPE-F021Parent, Service Provider Request for Outside Service Provider01/23/2014
SPE-F022Liability Statement for Outside Service Providers01/23/2014
SPE-F023Agreement Between Outside Service Provider Agency and CMCSS07/18/2023
SPE-F025Assistive Technology Referral Form07/15/2016
SPE-F028SPED Historical File Label Form10/10/2024
SPE-F029Special Education Protocol File Form08/22/2024
SPE-G001Assistive Technology Consideration Process07/15/2016
SPE-P001Special Education In-State Transfers Procedure 11/09/2010
SPE-P002Special Education Out of State Transfer Procedure 11/09/2010
SPE-P003Special Education Change of Placement 09/15/2020
SPE-P004Maintenance of Records for Contractually Placed Students 11/10/2010
SPE-P005Parent Request For Evaluation 09/04/2014
SPE-P006Physical Intervention Procedure 08/25/2022
SPE-P007Special Education Records Procedure 04/25/2024
SPE-P009Outside Service Provider Agency and Employees08/14/2023
SPE-P014Teacher and/or Substitute Access to Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) Procedure12/12/2019
SPE-P015Transition Early Childhood07/15/2022
SPE-P016Progress Monitoring of Students Receiving Special Education Services07/15/2022
SPE-P017Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans01/24/2024
SPE-P018Educational Assistant Support for Behavior01/24/2024
SPE-P019Child Find Procedure06/27/2024
SPE-P020FAPE Procedure06/27/2024
SPE-P029Advocate and Third-Party Participation Procedure11/14/2024

Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM)

Testing (TST)

TST-P001Academic Testing 01/09/2016
TST-P002Test Results Assessment 08/29/2019

The Learning Center (TLC)

TLC-F001Referral Form From Parent Services for Elementary Students 02/24/2023
TLC-F002Patron Registration Form 01/24/2024

TN Lead (TNL)

Virtual High School (VHS)


VPK-F001Parent Sign Off Packet07/26/2024
VPK-F001_SPParent Sign-Off Packet - Spanish Version04/08/2022
VPK-G001General Blended Pre-K Handbook 07/29/2024
VPK-M001Pre-K Handbook07/29/2024

Federal Projects (FPC)

FPC-F001Purchase Order Request/Quote06/18/2024
FPC-F002Private School Professional Leave Request06/18/2024
FPC-F003Private School Professional Leave Reimbursement07/18/2024
FPC-F004Traveler's Information07/18/2024
FPC-F005Documentation of Independent Student Status for FAFSA03/21/2017
FPC-F006Families in Transition Affidavit08/02/2021
FPC-F006_SPFIT Affidavit08/03/2021
FPC-F008FIT (McKinney-Vento) Application - Caregiver07/25/2023
FPC-F009Fostering Connections Questionnaire06/07/2019
FPC-F010FIT (McKinney-Vento) Application - Student07/25/2023
FPC-F010_SPFIT (McKinney-Vento) Application - Caregiver - Spanish12/04/2023

External Documents

Elementary (ELS)

Pre-K Questionnaire03/01/2017
Pre-K Application03/01/2018
Pre-K Application (Spanish)03/01/2018

Instruction (INS)

Tennessee Notice of Intent to Home School09/01/2012
100% Graduation Contract
Social and Emotional Learning PowerPoint
ESSA Plan Ppt
Standards Based Grading
Work Ethic Distinction Rubric
10 Point Grade Scale
Teacher Pipeline Ppt
Assessment Updates
2021-2022 Parent Calendar
2021-2022 Teacher Calendar Overview
TISA Accountability Plan Draft

Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM)

Administrator Eval Rubric05/07/2021
Library Media Specialist Rubric05/07/2021
School Services Personnel Rubric05/07/2021
Professionalism Rubric12/12/2019
General Educator Rubric12/12/2019

Federal Projects (FPC)

Tennessee Parent Occupational Survey (English)
Tennessee Parent Occupational Survey (Spanish) Encuesta Ocupacional de Tennessee