Master Document List by Role

The Master Document List provides a directory of forms, policies, and procedures to promote efficiency and effectiveness regarding district operations.
Please select a link below to access documents pertaining to that department or area.

Accounting and Bookkeeping

ACC-P001Accounts Payable 05/09/2022
ACC-P009Billing for Destroyed School Bus Property 07/10/2019
BEN-P017Insurance Statement Reconciliation and Payment 11/04/2024
ACC-P008Stop Pay and Void Procedure05/09/2022
ACC-P002Establishing Accounts Receivable 10/31/2012
ACC-P003Receipting Payments 04/12/2007
ACC-P006Mileage Reimbursement for Official In-County Travel 05/14/2012
BUS-P001Facilities Use Billing 11/06/2018
CHN-P004Child Nutrition Accounts Payable 08/16/2024
ISA-P001Purchasing and Payment 08/09/2013
ISA-P002Ticket Ordering and Reconciliation 02/17/2014
ISA-P003Receiving and Accounting for Funds Within Classrooms 07/01/2021
ISA-P004Accounting for Funds Received at the School Office 07/01/2021
ISA-P005Board Fund Purchases from Vendors that do not accept Purchase Orders04/08/2016
ACC-F009Stop Pay and Void Checklist
ACC-P010Credit Card Processing11/06/2018
TRN-P036Student Vandalism of School Buses Procedure07/10/2019

Administrative Analytical Specialist

BUS-P008Contract Routing Procedure07/28/2021

Administrative Asst. III -Driver Safety

TRN-P024School Bus Driver Training Procedure06/25/2018

All CMCSS Employees

HUM-P019Reporting Allegations of Sexual Harassment 06/13/2024
HUM-P032Reporting Arrests10/06/2022
HUM-P033Workplace Violence04/19/2023
HUM-P041Employee Reporting And References As Related To Sexual Misconduct04/16/2021
STS-P012Reporting Procedure for Students Subjected to Alleged Sexual Harassment06/13/2024

Assistant Facilities Manager

FAC-P004Third Party Facility Construction/Alteration 09/25/2018
PUR-P004Formal Bid Procedure09/25/2018
FAC-P004_PacketThird Party Facility Construction/Alteration Packet01/25/2019

Athletic Director

HUM-P008Supplements 11/13/2023

AV/GPS Technician

TRN-P028Transportation Critical Safety Complaint Procedure02/21/2022

Benefits Associate

BEN-P001Benefits Enrollment 04/29/2022
BEN-P002Benefits Termination 03/20/2023
BEN-P003Privacy Notice 06/27/2019
BEN-P005Retiree Benefit Changes 08/16/2018
BEN-P008CMCE Insurance Trust Meeting 09/25/2024
BEN-P016Recording Deposit Transmittals for Checks From Employees, Retirees and Insurance Cos. 09/25/2024
BEN-P017Insurance Statement Reconciliation and Payment 11/04/2024
BEN-P018403(b) Enrollment and Payment 11/03/2020
BEN-P021Payments to Beneflex for MedFSA & DCAP Administrative Fees 10/23/2023
BEN-P022Payments for MedFSA/DCAP Account Claims 09/25/2024
BEN-P023Adverse Blue Cross Blue Shield Benefit Appeal Procedure 02/15/2023
BEN-P025Retiree Payment of Monthly Premiums Procedure 04/12/2023
BEN-P026Sick Leave Bank Enrollment Procedure 09/06/2024
BEN-P027Request For Days From the Sick Leave Bank Procedure 09/15/2023
BEN-P028Probationary Credit for TCRS06/06/2018
HUM-P004Name Change 06/13/2023

Building Services Manager

MNT-P001Work Order 09/09/2022
MNT-P002Furniture Construction 09/20/2019
MNT-P004Parts/Equipment Issue Procedure 07/16/2024
MNT-P005Equipment Issued to Schools 09/09/2022
OPS-P001On/Off Road Vehicle/Equipment Replacement and New Vehicle/Equipment Purchase 09/23/2019
OPS-P006Custodial Fire & Safety Building Checks 10/10/2019
OPS-P010Custodial Training Procedure 06/02/2016
OPS-P011Custodial Support Pool 09/14/2012
OPS-P012Custodial Staffing 09/23/2019
OPS-P014School Building Key Control10/23/2023
OPS-P016Two-step Cleaning and Disinfecting During Heightened Risk for Infection09/25/2020
OPS-P018Herbicide Procedure11/09/2015
OPS-P021Waste Handling and Disposal Procedure09/25/2019
PUR-P003Managing Warehouse Stores Inventory 03/05/2013
PUR-P005Stores Warehouse Requisition 04/13/2006
PUR-P008Purchasing Accountable Items 03/07/2022
OPS-P023Lead Prevention Procedure10/27/2022
OPS-P009Building Staffing in the Event of Security System Failures09/19/2019

Cafeteria Associate

Cafeteria Manager

Certified Employee Representative

CER-P007Salary Change Request Based on Education Level for Certified Teachers and Administrators12/14/2015
CER-P009Salary Change Request Based on Education Level for Administrators01/06/2016

Chief Academic Officer

HUM-P038Student Observations/Teaching07/30/2020
INS-P011Teacher Effect Data/Value Added 08/09/2018
INS-P024Use of Reasonable Force in Restraint of Students 12/17/2019
INS-P033Suicide Prevention06/13/2024
INS-P034Service Animals02/22/2024
INS-P035Credit Recovery Procedure12/05/2024
OPS-P003In Session School Closing 06/07/2021
OPS-P017Zoning Procedure09/19/2019
INS-P046Prohibited Concepts in Instruction Complaint Procedure12/09/2021
INS-P047Chronic Health Verification Procedure06/13/2024
INS-P050Mobile Crisis Procedure06/13/2024
INS-P051Student Clubs and Organizations Equal Access Procedure07/24/2023

Chief Communications Officer

COM-P005Public Records Request Procedure05/22/2019
OPS-P003In Session School Closing 06/07/2021
OPS-P017Zoning Procedure09/19/2019
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021

Chief Financial Officer

BUD-P001Annual Budget 11/15/2021
BUS-P007Nonprofit School Support Organizations Fundraising Procedure08/15/2023
BUS-P008Contract Routing Procedure07/28/2021

Chief Human Resources Officer

BEN-P023Adverse Blue Cross Blue Shield Benefit Appeal Procedure 02/15/2023
HUM-P010Discrimination Complaints07/03/2024
HUM-P016Background Verification 07/14/2023
HUM-P022Employee Grievance Procedure 02/08/2023
HUM-P023Local Evaluation Grievance of Teacher or Principal 07/24/2013
HUM-P036Salary Determination for Extra-Curricular Activities01/04/2024
HUM-P037Certified Employee Relocation Incentive Procedure04/02/2019
HUM-P038Student Observations/Teaching07/30/2020
HUM-P039Requesting a Background Check for Specialized Groups09/08/2023
HUM-P040Site-Based Employee Files10/21/2021
INS-P034Service Animals02/22/2024
HUM-P042Employee Requests for Accommodation Procedure05/22/2024
HUM-P043Service Animal Procedure08/08/2019
HUM-P044ADA Compliance Grievance Procedure09/08/2023
HUM-P045Progressive Discipline Procedure07/01/2019
INS-P041Accommodating DCS Investigations Procedure06/13/2024
INS-P050Mobile Crisis Procedure06/13/2024

Chief of Staff

REC-P002Records Inquiry Procedure 09/15/2020
STS-P009Student Code of Conduct Procedure12/02/2021

Chief Operations Officer

OPS-P003In Session School Closing 06/07/2021
OPS-P017Zoning Procedure09/19/2019
OPS-P018Herbicide Procedure11/09/2015
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021
OPS-P023Lead Prevention Procedure10/27/2022
OPS-P009Building Staffing in the Event of Security System Failures09/19/2019
TRN-P038School Bus Driver Placard Procedure03/24/2021
TRN-P028Transportation Critical Safety Complaint Procedure02/21/2022

Chief Technology Officer

TCH-P008Technology Acquisition Procedure03/27/2023

Child Nutrition Director

CHN-P002Food/Non-Food Bid 07/21/2015
CHN-P005Student Meal Charge 10/26/2018
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021

CMCSS Adult High School Principal

INS-P044CMCSS Adult High School Enrollment Procedure06/28/2021

CMCSS K-12 Virtual Principal

INS-P042CMCSS K-12 Virtual Enrollment Procedure02/09/2023

Communications Department

COM-P003Media Inquiries 02/19/2019

Department Chiefs

PUR-P009Informal Bids Procedure11/20/2020

Director of Accountability

INS-P014Approval of Request to Conduct Research 12/10/2024
TST-P002Test Results Assessment 08/29/2019
GRT-P002Grant Opportunities10/17/2023
GRT-P003Grant Proposal and Application10/17/2023
GRT-P004Grant Post-Award10/17/2023

Director of Army Instruction

CUR-P001Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (JROTC) Cadet Uniform Management and Debt Collection03/27/2022

Director of Certified Staff

HUM-P034Teaching Assignments02/12/2024

Director of Child Nutrition

CHN-P003Child Nutrition Budget Development Procedure 05/29/2012

Director of Continuous Improvement

CIS-P001Internal Quality Audits Procedure02/09/2024
CIS-P004Control of Nonconforming Processes, Services or Products Procedure 02/09/2024
CIS-P006Management Review Procedure01/06/2023
CIS-P008Document Control Procedure11/15/2021
CIS-P009Stakeholder Feedback02/09/2024
CIS-P011Internal Audits Procedure for Process Studies06/17/2022
CIS-P012Continuous Improvement Action Procedure06/17/2022
CIS-P002Quality Records Procedure 02/06/2023

Director of CTE

INS-P012Cosmetology & Automotive Student Live Work 08/08/2022

Director of Professional Learning

PRD-P001In-Service Requirements Procedure05/16/2022
PRD-P009In-Service Hours Reporting04/22/2021
PRD-P010Professional Learning Requiring a Substitute10/21/2019

Director of Schools

CIS-P006Management Review Procedure01/06/2023
HUM-P037Certified Employee Relocation Incentive Procedure04/02/2019
INS-P034Service Animals02/22/2024
OPS-P003In Session School Closing 06/07/2021
OPS-P017Zoning Procedure09/19/2019
HUM-P041Employee Reporting And References As Related To Sexual Misconduct04/16/2021
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021
SLT-P003Charter School Procedure03/30/2022
TRN-P028Transportation Critical Safety Complaint Procedure02/21/2022
INS-P047Chronic Health Verification Procedure06/13/2024

Director of Special Populations

INS-P004Federal Entitlement Budget 04/25/2024
SPE-P006Physical Intervention Procedure 08/25/2022
SPE-P007Special Education Records Procedure 04/25/2024
INS-P049IDEA Compliance Monitoring Procedure07/15/2022
SPE-P015Transition Early Childhood07/15/2022
SPE-P016Progress Monitoring of Students Receiving Special Education Services07/15/2022
SPE-P004Maintenance of Records for Contractually Placed Students 11/10/2010
SPE-P005Parent Request For Evaluation 09/04/2014
SPE-P009Outside Service Provider Agency and Employees08/14/2023
SPE-P017Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans01/24/2024

Director of Student Services

STS-P001Special Transfer Application Procedure (formerly Hardship) 07/29/2024
STS-P002Requesting and Receiving Homebound Instruction 12/09/2024
STS-P003Open Enrollment 08/27/2024
STS-P005Admission of Foreign Students Procedure 07/29/2024
STS-P011Revocation of Special Transfer Procedure09/25/2018

Directors of Curriculum and Instruction

INS-P001Textbook Adoption 01/08/2015
INS-P003Curriculum Development, Evaluation and Revision 12/12/2022
INS-P015Special Course Application Procedure 07/07/2008
INS-P031Textbook Adoption Committee - Parent Participation Procedure12/14/2022

District Lead Counselor

INS-P041Accommodating DCS Investigations Procedure06/13/2024

District Programs and Activities Coordinator

HUM-P008Supplements 11/13/2023
OPS-P003In Session School Closing 06/07/2021
TRN-P008Requesting, Obtaining, and Processing Bus Transportation for Routine Field Trips 10/22/2024
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021


VHM-P001Vehicle Maintenance 03/26/2018
TRN-P013Student Bus Conduct Discipline 01/09/2023
TRN-P022Student Seating Assignment11/13/2015
VHM-P002School Bus Service and Inspections 07/16/2024
TRN-P036Student Vandalism of School Buses Procedure07/10/2019
TRN-P004Bus Route Student Accountability 11/13/2006

Driver Program Manager

TRN-P038School Bus Driver Placard Procedure03/24/2021
TRN-P040New School Bus Driver Sign-On Stipend09/30/2021
TRN-P041School Bus Driver Referral Stipend Program08/28/2024

Driver Safety Supervisor

TRN-P007Personal Injury Bus Accident/Disaster with Student Passengers Procedure 10/22/2019
TRN-P024School Bus Driver Training Procedure06/25/2018
TRN-P029Transportation Employees Drug and Alcohol Testing07/22/2024
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021
TRN-P039Determining School Bus Road Travel09/24/2021
TRN-P040New School Bus Driver Sign-On Stipend09/30/2021
TRN-P041School Bus Driver Referral Stipend Program08/28/2024
TRN-P028Transportation Critical Safety Complaint Procedure02/21/2022
TRN-P042Certified and Classified Commercial Driver Training Procedure08/01/2022

Driver Supervisor

TRN-P016Transportation Complaint 07/24/2019
TRN-P038School Bus Driver Placard Procedure03/24/2021
TRN-P040New School Bus Driver Sign-On Stipend09/30/2021
TRN-P041School Bus Driver Referral Stipend Program08/28/2024

ESL Coordinator

CER-P004Hiring ELL Teachers Working with English Learners 02/01/2019

Executive Assistant

OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021

Facilities Manager

FAC-P002Third Party Construction Pay Request 09/19/2019
FAC-P003Selection of Architect 09/24/2019
FAC-P004Third Party Facility Construction/Alteration 09/25/2018
OPS-P017Zoning Procedure09/19/2019
PUR-P004Formal Bid Procedure09/25/2018
FAC-P004_PacketThird Party Facility Construction/Alteration Packet01/25/2019
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021
OPS-P009Building Staffing in the Event of Security System Failures09/19/2019
FAC-P001Capital Projects Budget 01/17/2020

Federal Programs Director

INS-P004Federal Entitlement Budget 04/25/2024

Federal Project Accountant

ACC-P007Federal Project Accounting Procedure 09/01/2023

Fleet Supervisor

TRN-P002Student Transportation for Special Populations Services11/16/2022
TRN-P007Personal Injury Bus Accident/Disaster with Student Passengers Procedure 10/22/2019
TRN-P013Student Bus Conduct Discipline 01/09/2023
TRN-P015Home/Complex Parking 06/10/2020
TRN-P016Transportation Complaint 07/24/2019
TRN-P029Transportation Employees Drug and Alcohol Testing07/22/2024
TRN-P038School Bus Driver Placard Procedure03/24/2021
TRN-P042Certified and Classified Commercial Driver Training Procedure08/01/2022

Free and Reduced Coordinator

CHN-P001Free & Reduced Meals 06/03/2014
CHN-P006Verification of Eligibility06/03/2014

General Counsel

HUM-P010Discrimination Complaints07/03/2024
REC-P002Records Inquiry Procedure 09/15/2020
HUM-P042Employee Requests for Accommodation Procedure05/22/2024
HUM-P043Service Animal Procedure08/08/2019
HUM-P039Requesting a Background Check for Specialized Groups09/08/2023
BUS-P008Contract Routing Procedure07/28/2021

Guidance Department

GUI-P001Guidance Dept. Creation/Maintenance of Student Records 09/21/2023
GUI-P002Preparation of Student Records for Storage/Transfer 02/01/2019

Human Resources

CER-P008Career Ladder Program08/06/2013
HUM-P002Classified Hiring 06/04/2024
HUM-P003New Hire Onboarding 03/15/2024
BUD-P002Employee Record Reconciliation 11/12/2018
CLS-P001Classified Staff Application 11/13/2023
CLS-P003ParaProfessional Testing 06/23/2023
HUM-P001Creation of Employee Record 05/24/2023
HUM-P004Name Change 06/13/2023
HUM-P009Out Processing a Permanent Employee 04/26/2024
HUM-P021Certified Voluntary Transfer Procedure 07/12/2023
HUM-P024Certified Hiring 03/15/2024
HUM-P049Employee Personnel File Records Request09/08/2023

Human Resources Associate

CER-P001Certified Staff Application 03/15/2024
CER-P002Student Discount Request Procedure10/17/2023
HUM-P038Student Observations/Teaching07/30/2020
HUM-P039Requesting a Background Check for Specialized Groups09/08/2023

Human Resources Coordinator

HUM-P008Supplements 11/13/2023
HUM-P036Salary Determination for Extra-Curricular Activities01/04/2024
HUM-P046Requesting a Substitute for Professional Leave08/23/2022
HUM-P050Emergency Substitute Coverage Procedure11/13/2023

Internal Control Specialist

BUS-P006Nonprofit School Support Organizations10/24/2024
BUS-P007Nonprofit School Support Organizations Fundraising Procedure08/15/2023

Inventory Control Representative

INV-P004Student Instrument and Employee Computer Equipment Checkout 09/12/2005
PUR-P008Purchasing Accountable Items 03/07/2022

Key Control Administrator

OPS-P014School Building Key Control10/23/2023
OPS-P015Administrative Building Key Control10/31/2023

Lead Driver

TRN-P031School Bus Driver Annual Performance Bonus Procedure11/16/2018
TRN-P013Student Bus Conduct Discipline 01/09/2023

Lead Record Center Specialist

REC-P004Collection of Debts Procedure 03/01/2021
REC-P005Verification for Social Security or Birth Certificate Procedure03/01/2021
REC-P006Electronic Record Retrieval Procedure 03/01/2021
REC-P007Student Records09/15/2020
REC-P001Records Processing Procedure 09/26/2023
REC-P002Records Inquiry Procedure 09/15/2020
REC-P003Verification of Graduation Procedure 03/26/2013

Lead School Counselor

INS-P033Suicide Prevention06/13/2024
INS-P050Mobile Crisis Procedure06/13/2024

Level Director

HUM-P038Student Observations/Teaching07/30/2020
INS-P002Establishing A School Improvement Plan 06/11/2010
INS-P016Staffing Adjustment 07/02/2024
INS-P020Instructional and Non-Instructional Use of Videos and Films Procedure 12/14/2022
STS-P003Open Enrollment 08/27/2024
HUM-P045Progressive Discipline Procedure07/01/2019
INS-P045Request for Student Placement Change Procedure10/05/2022
INS-P051Student Clubs and Organizations Equal Access Procedure07/24/2023

Library and Media Specialist

INS-P048Library Services and Collection Procedure07/23/2024

Maintenance Manager

FAC-P004Third Party Facility Construction/Alteration 09/25/2018
FAC-P004_PacketThird Party Facility Construction/Alteration Packet01/25/2019
MNT-P001Work Order 09/09/2022
MNT-P002Furniture Construction 09/20/2019
MNT-P005Equipment Issued to Schools 09/09/2022

Maintenance Supply Coordinator

MNT-P004Parts/Equipment Issue Procedure 07/16/2024

Network Security Engineer

TCH-P029Data Security and Protection Procedure03/17/2023

Network Technician

TCH-P027Investigation of Reported Computer Abuse Procedure 03/16/2023

New Teacher Induction Coordinator

PRD-P005Certified Teacher Induction Procedure11/14/2022

Onsite Clinic Manger

OSM-P002Procedural Guidelines for PHI Access12/04/2018
OSM-P003Procedural Guidelines for Maintenance, Use, or Transferring/Transmitting of PHI12/04/2017

Operations Department Customer Svc Rep

TRN-P016Transportation Complaint 07/24/2019

Payroll Officers

HUM-P004Name Change 06/13/2023
PAY-P001Hourly Employee Payroll 04/01/2019
PAY-P003Salaried Employee Payroll 04/01/2019
PAY-P004Personnel Actions Verification 10/30/2006
PAY-P005Direct Deposit 10/30/2006
PAY-P006Garnishment of Employee Wages 10/30/2006
PAY-P007Overtime/Compensatory Pay 09/11/2017
PAY-P008Classified Employee Labor Union Dues 04/01/2019
PAY-P009Researching Payroll Data 11/13/2008
PAY-P010Stop Payment Procedure08/28/2017
TRN-P031School Bus Driver Annual Performance Bonus Procedure11/16/2018


BUS-P002Execution of Contract for Outside Professional Services 08/14/2024
BUS-P007Nonprofit School Support Organizations Fundraising Procedure08/15/2023
CER-P005School Year Preparation Days 01/10/2022
FAC-P004Third Party Facility Construction/Alteration 09/25/2018
HUM-P008Supplements 11/13/2023
HUM-P031Employee Perquisites07/13/2021
INS-P005Emergency Information 10/17/2012
INS-P006Medical Emergencies 11/08/2017
INS-P007Request for Permission for Field Trips 03/18/2019
INS-P008Request for Permission for Excursion Trips 03/18/2019
INS-P009Display of Flags 11/20/2023
INS-P010Obtaining Chartered Transportation 06/21/2010
INS-P012Cosmetology & Automotive Student Live Work 08/08/2022
INS-P016Staffing Adjustment 07/02/2024
INS-P017Early Graduation 06/27/2024
INS-P019Dual/Joint Enrollment 06/24/2022
INS-P020Instructional and Non-Instructional Use of Videos and Films Procedure 12/14/2022
INS-P021Early School Dismissal 03/08/2018
INS-P022Elementary Level Promotion and Retention 05/03/2019
INS-P023Student Observation Request 05/01/2024
INS-P025Safe Relocation of Students 07/01/2013
INS-P028CMCSS School Improvement Plan Procedure07/29/2013
INS-P029Reporting Bullying Related Acts11/03/2016
INS-P030Investigating Bullying Related Acts10/26/2016
OPS-P006Custodial Fire & Safety Building Checks 10/10/2019
OPS-P007Weather Related School Activities 09/07/2021
OPS-P014School Building Key Control10/23/2023
SAF-P007Standard Operating Procedures for Safety Measures 08/30/2022
SAF-P009Use of School or District Volunteers07/26/2018
SPE-P001Special Education In-State Transfers Procedure 11/09/2010
SPE-P002Special Education Out of State Transfer Procedure 11/09/2010
SPE-P009Outside Service Provider Agency and Employees08/14/2023
STS-P003Open Enrollment 08/27/2024
STS-P008Change of Domicile Procedure10/15/2018
TRN-P013Student Bus Conduct Discipline 01/09/2023
FAC-P004_PacketThird Party Facility Construction/Alteration Packet01/25/2019
HUM-P045Progressive Discipline Procedure07/01/2019
TRN-P037Review of School Bus Video Surveillance by Parents08/05/2019
REC-P007Student Records09/15/2020
OPS-P009Building Staffing in the Event of Security System Failures09/19/2019
HUM-P047Short-Term Telecommuting Procedure04/20/2023
INS-P041Accommodating DCS Investigations Procedure06/13/2024
STS-P013Extended Quarantine Attendance Makeup Procedure09/02/2021
INS-P045Request for Student Placement Change Procedure10/05/2022
INS-P048Library Services and Collection Procedure07/23/2024
INS-P051Student Clubs and Organizations Equal Access Procedure07/24/2023
BUS-P006Nonprofit School Support Organizations10/24/2024
GUI-P003CMCSS Students Participating in Foreign Exchange Program 02/07/2022
TRN-P027Transportation Student Management Support02/28/2019
HUM-P040Site-Based Employee Files10/21/2021
ISA-P007ISA Student Fundraising and Other Resale Activities Procedure07/02/2021
SAF-P012Review and Release of School Video Surveillance by Parents Procedure09/20/2019
SPE-P003Special Education Change of Placement 09/15/2020

Procurement Officer

PUR-P007Procurement Card Purchasing 09/01/2023

Professional Learning Coordinator

PRD-P009In-Service Hours Reporting04/22/2021


TCH-P028User Password Selection and Protection Standards Procedure07/15/2024

Property Control Officer

INV-F005Room Inventory 04/13/2012
INV-P001Property Inventory Control 06/05/2023
INV-P002Surplus Property 06/05/2023
INV-P003Material Transfer 06/05/2023
INV-P004Student Instrument and Employee Computer Equipment Checkout 09/12/2005
PUR-P008Purchasing Accountable Items 03/07/2022

Purchasing Director

CIS-P004Control of Nonconforming Processes, Services or Products Procedure 02/09/2024
FAC-P004Third Party Facility Construction/Alteration 09/25/2018
PUR-P002Purchase Order 02/10/2023
PUR-P009Informal Bids Procedure11/20/2020
PUR-P004Formal Bid Procedure09/25/2018
FAC-P004_PacketThird Party Facility Construction/Alteration Packet01/25/2019
BUS-P008Contract Routing Procedure07/28/2021

Repair Technicians

TCH-P025Determining Equipment Damage/Loss 06/27/2024

Route Analyst

TRN-P001Student Transportation 08/29/2022
TRN-P002Student Transportation for Special Populations Services11/16/2022
TRN-P003ICON Safety 03/29/2011
TRN-P007Personal Injury Bus Accident/Disaster with Student Passengers Procedure 10/22/2019
TRN-P015Home/Complex Parking 06/10/2020

Router/Dispatch Assistant

TRN-P039Determining School Bus Road Travel09/24/2021

Safety and Health Director

OJI-P001On The Job Injury 04/05/2022
SAF-P006District Emergency Communications Procedure 07/22/2021
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021
SAF-P005Hepatitis B Administration Procedure 05/23/2012
SAF-P001Student Accident Reporting 11/06/2018
SAF-P003Environmental & Health Complaints 04/06/2011
SAF-P004Bloodborne Pathogens 04/06/2011
SAF-P010Radon Testing Procedure08/22/2017
SAF-P012Review and Release of School Video Surveillance by Parents Procedure09/20/2019

Safety Department

OPS-P016Two-step Cleaning and Disinfecting During Heightened Risk for Infection09/25/2020

School Counselor

GUI-P003CMCSS Students Participating in Foreign Exchange Program 02/07/2022
INS-P022Elementary Level Promotion and Retention 05/03/2019
INS-P036High School Volunteer Hours Recognition Procedure06/27/2024
INS-P038Enrolling Homeschooled Students in JROTC12/14/2022

School Nurse

INS-P021Early School Dismissal 03/08/2018
SAF-P005Hepatitis B Administration Procedure 05/23/2012
HEA-P001Communicable Diseases 08/10/2023
HEA-P002Medication Administration 01/28/2019
HEA-P003Emergency Anti-Seizure Medication Administration Procedure 06/10/2020
HEA-P004AED Response 06/17/2021
HEA-P006Influenza Vaccine Administration Procedure 09/14/2012
HEA-P007Field Trip Medication06/17/2021
HEA-P009Adrenal Insufficiency07/27/2021
HEA-P010Narcan Procedure03/16/2018
HEA-P011First Aid and Emergency Procedures 08/15/2019
INS-P047Chronic Health Verification Procedure06/13/2024

School Support Coordinator

HUM-P036Salary Determination for Extra-Curricular Activities01/04/2024

School-Based Staff

REC-P002Records Inquiry Procedure 09/15/2020
SPE-P014Teacher and/or Substitute Access to Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) Procedure12/12/2019
PUR-P001Service Contracts 03/14/2003
SAF-P011District Visitor Management System Procedure08/31/2022
STS-P006Completion of Certificate of Attendance Procedure 08/14/2024

Schools Purchasing Agent

PUR-P006Selection, Evaluation & Re-evaluation of Vendors 03/24/2023

Section 504 Coordinator

INS-P027Section 504 Grievance Procedure04/19/2022
INS-P043Section 504 Records Procedure07/28/2022
INS-P047Chronic Health Verification Procedure06/13/2024

Senior Leadership Team

CIS-P012Continuous Improvement Action Procedure06/17/2022
HUM-P037Certified Employee Relocation Incentive Procedure04/02/2019
OPS-P003In Session School Closing 06/07/2021
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021

Special Populations Administrative Assistant

REC-P002Records Inquiry Procedure 09/15/2020

Special Projects Manager

OPS-P011Custodial Support Pool 09/14/2012
OPS-P017Zoning Procedure09/19/2019

Student Services

STS-P006Completion of Certificate of Attendance Procedure 08/14/2024

Student Transportation Customer Svc Rep

TRN-P028Transportation Critical Safety Complaint Procedure02/21/2022

Student Transportation Manager

OPS-P001On/Off Road Vehicle/Equipment Replacement and New Vehicle/Equipment Purchase 09/23/2019
OPS-P003In Session School Closing 06/07/2021
OPS-P017Zoning Procedure09/19/2019
OPS-P002School Delaying/Closing Procedure06/07/2021


HUM-P031Employee Perquisites07/13/2021
HUM-P041Employee Reporting And References As Related To Sexual Misconduct04/16/2021
HUM-P047Short-Term Telecommuting Procedure04/20/2023


INS-P020Instructional and Non-Instructional Use of Videos and Films Procedure 12/14/2022
INS-P022Elementary Level Promotion and Retention 05/03/2019
ISA-P006Online Fundraising Procedure08/21/2020
TCH-P026Computer Abuse Discovery 06/27/2024
ISA-P007ISA Student Fundraising and Other Resale Activities Procedure07/02/2021
CER-P007Salary Change Request Based on Education Level for Certified Teachers and Administrators12/14/2015

Technology Department

SAF-P008School Emergency Communication04/22/2013
TCH-P004Service Calls 06/27/2024
TCH-P030Reporting Failure to Filter or Block Obscene Content08/08/2022
TCH-P001Determining Technology Requirements for Facilities 03/16/2023
TCH-P023Report Telephone System Problems 04/19/2022

Technology Network Manager

INV-F005Room Inventory 04/13/2012

Testing Coordinator

TST-P001Academic Testing 01/09/2016

Textbook Distribution Center

TXB-P001Pur/DisTxbooks Under Current Adoption 10/09/2012
TXB-P002Requesting Textbooks/Materials 10/17/2012
TXB-P003Returning Txbooks/Materials Currently In Adop. 10/17/2012
TXB-P004Discarding Out Of Adoption Textbooks 10/09/2012
TXB-P005Textbook Year-End Inventory 10/17/2012

Transportation Manager

STS-P008Change of Domicile Procedure10/15/2018
TRN-P001Student Transportation 08/29/2022
TRN-P002Student Transportation for Special Populations Services11/16/2022
TRN-P003ICON Safety 03/29/2011
TRN-P013Student Bus Conduct Discipline 01/09/2023
TRN-P014New Bus Assignment 03/25/2015
TRN-P019Radio Use 11/13/2015
TRN-P020Safe Transportation of Pre-School Aged Children 11/13/2015
TRN-P022Student Seating Assignment11/13/2015
TRN-P029Transportation Employees Drug and Alcohol Testing07/22/2024
TRN-P031School Bus Driver Annual Performance Bonus Procedure11/16/2018
TRN-P037Review of School Bus Video Surveillance by Parents08/05/2019
TRN-P023Emergency Evacuation of a School Bus06/09/2020
TRN-P007Personal Injury Bus Accident/Disaster with Student Passengers Procedure 10/22/2019
TRN-P008Requesting, Obtaining, and Processing Bus Transportation for Routine Field Trips 10/22/2024
TRN-P015Home/Complex Parking 06/10/2020
TRN-P016Transportation Complaint 07/24/2019
TRN-P038School Bus Driver Placard Procedure03/24/2021
TRN-P028Transportation Critical Safety Complaint Procedure02/21/2022
TRN-P039Determining School Bus Road Travel09/24/2021
TRN-P040New School Bus Driver Sign-On Stipend09/30/2021
TRN-P041School Bus Driver Referral Stipend Program08/28/2024
TRN-P042Certified and Classified Commercial Driver Training Procedure08/01/2022

Vehicle Maintenance

OPS-P019Fleet Vehicle and Equipment Fueling Procedure07/16/2024
OPS-P020Equipment Washing Procedure07/16/2024
OPS-P022Spill Prevention, Control, and Cleanup Procedure07/16/2024
VHM-P001Vehicle Maintenance 03/26/2018
VHM-P002School Bus Service and Inspections 07/16/2024
TRN-P036Student Vandalism of School Buses Procedure07/10/2019
VHM-P003Underground Storage Tank Inspection Procedure09/12/2019
VHM-P004Cold Weather Bus Start Up 07/16/2024

Vehicle Maintenance Administrative Assistant

ACC-P009Billing for Destroyed School Bus Property 07/10/2019
TRN-P006Tracking Fuel Usage07/16/2024
ACC-F009Stop Pay and Void Checklist
TRN-P036Student Vandalism of School Buses Procedure07/10/2019