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CMCSS Administrator Appointments Announced in March 2023

The following appointments were announced in March.

Information for Families on TCAP Assessments in April

Please note: This article was originally posted during a previous school year. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year. The Tennessee TCAP assessments (state standardized tests) will be administered in CMCSS beginning April 17, 2023. Students in grades 3-5 will be completing the paper-pencil version of TCAP Achievement for English Language Arts, Math, and Science. Students in grades 6-8 will be completing the computer-based version of the TCAP Achievement for English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Students in high school who are currently enrolled in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, English I, English II, US History, and/or Biology will be completing the computer-based version of the TCAP EOC. State law (T.C.A. § 49-1-617) establishes that the state assessments shall comprise a percentage, between 15% and 25%, of a student’s final grade for the spring semester. In CMCSS (policy INS-A023), it is 15%. Students absent on the day of testing receive a zero, following the attendance policy for excused and unexcused absences. Makeup opportunities are provided within the testing window. NEW this year: Tennessee state law provides all students the opportunity to request additional time for completing TCAP assessments if needed. Teachers will provide students a reminder during each subtest of the TCAP to simply raise their hand if they feel they need a few extra moments to finish. The additional time available is equal to 20% of the time allotted for the test section being completed, which is approximately 5 to 17 minutes depending on the content area and subtest. Parents may also make the request for the additional time for their student by submitting a letter of request to the principal at their child’s school by Thursday, April 6. Students who are finished with the assessment or have submitted the […]

CMCSS School Board Presents Point of Pride Awards in March 2023

Student, faculty, and staff recognized for outstanding achievement.

Charter School Application Feedback

According to state law, nonprofit organizations with the intent to open a charter school in a Tennessee school district must apply through the local School Board for that district for authorization. Click to learn more about the process, read application materials, and provide feedback on the application.

Information Sessions for College ROTC Scholarships Held April 18 – 19

Learn more about attending a military college.

Willis Social Worker with Group

The Process of Rebuilding. How school social workers are part of the solution. (Part Two)

Please note: This article was originally posted during a previous school year. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year. In response to the increased need for student social-emotional support, CMCSS hired nine district social workers in 2022. This small team has made great strides and continues to focus on building connections as a way to combat the struggles students experience. “Sometimes there can be trauma behind all of that anger that we don’t know about,” said Tomecia Slade, a Lead District Social Worker for the district. “There can be some deep-rooted issues going on.” In 2021-2022, CMCSS saw a rise in negative student behavior. After reviewing the data, CMCSS found that a small percentage of students were contributing to recurring negative behavior patterns. It was not widespread, but it had a systemic effect on the schools. What was contributing to this spike in behavior? There is not a single cause. After meeting with students, social workers often find some type of dysfunction, including fighting in the family, sickness, loss of employment, rise in social media use, financial strain, or similar circumstances play a role. “We have students that will seek attention,” said Slade. “That’s going to cause them to act out or run out of the classroom. Those negative things sometimes are going to show up as a way of getting what they want or need. If there is a void somewhere, it is going to show up.” The district social workers are a new resource to CMCSS, and schools are growing accustomed to their presence. The team typically receives referrals through school counselors, teachers, or school-level staff. They work closely with the Families in Transition (FIT) Team and the Student Success Coaches. Alicia Willis, one of the district social workers […]

CMCSS hired nine District Social Workers in 2022. Have they made an impact? (Part One)

In 2022, CMCSS added nine district social workers to its roster…

CMCSS 2023-2024 Kindergarten Kick-off Set for April 4

Elementary Schools will host an event for incoming kindergarten families on Tuesday, April 4.

CMCSS Administrative Announcements in February 2023

Please note: This article was originally posted during a previous school year. Information and/or dates from past events may be not be relevant for the current school year. CMCSS has three administrative announcements. Director of Certified Employment Patti Koloski has been selected as the Director of Certified Employment, replacing Melissa Izatt who has been selected as the Chief Human Resources Officer effective April 1. The title was previously named the Director of Educator Quality. With an ongoing effort to streamline and improve services and support from the District, the position has been renamed and Dr. Erica Christmas’ title has changed to Director of Classified Employment. Koloski has served as the Employee Relations Specialist since February 2022. Previously, she served for 7 years as principal and 5 years as assistant principal at Glenellen Elementary School. She has 31 years of experience in education as a teacher, academic coach, and administrator, working in public, private, and military school communities. Under her leadership, Glenellen was named a Reward School four times for performing in the top 5% of schools in the state. She earned her M.A. in Teaching and Learning from Nova Southeastern University and B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of South Florida. She received her Administrative Endorsement from Trevecca Nazarene University. Northwest High School Assistant Principal Michael Johnson has been selected as an assistant principal at Northwest High School, beginning the 2023-2024 school year. He currently serves as the Student Support Coordinator and Assistant Athletic Director at Northwest High, in addition to other school-based leadership roles. Johnson began his career with CMCSS in 2014 and has served as a music educator at Pisgah Elementary and Northwest High schools. Additionally, he has over 15 years of experience as a teacher, music minister, and accompanist for local churches and at Austin Peay […]