District News


Our mission is to maximize the use of resources in support of student achievement.


Latest Stories

The Kennedy Center

CMCSS Selected to Participate in Prestigious Kennedy Center Program

CMCSS and APSU’s Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts (CECA) are among seven teams nationwide selected to join the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ Partners in Education, a program designed to assist arts organizations throughout the nation to develop or expand education partnerships with their local school systems. A primary focus of these partnerships is to provide sustainable and robust arts-based professional development for teachers.   Partnering with teachers is fundamental to arts-based learning. By the community strategically partnering to support and provide teachers with high quality and continuous arts-based professional development, teachers and students are exposed to new access points for learning.

2018 Teacher Job Fair

2018 Teacher Job Fair

For the 2018-2019 school year, the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System anticipates hiring approximately 400 teachers. During the Teacher Job Fair, candidates will have the opportunity to meet the principal from each school and learn more about what makes CMCSS The Defining Difference. Intent to hire contracts may be offered on the day of, or the weeks following, the event.

CMCSS Teaching Fellows

Clarksville-Montgomery County Teaching Fellows

THIS NEWS STORY IS FROM 2018 FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR. INFORMATION REGARDING THE 2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR WILL BE POSTED IN A DIFFERENT STORY. CMC Teaching Fellows is seeking current CMCSS classified employees with at least a bachelor’s degree and no teaching certification who desire to become high-performing teachers in ELA or math at the middle or high-school level. This program is made possible through a partnership between the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System and the Nashville Teacher Residency (NTR). There are a limited number of spots for the 2018-2019 cohort.   CMC Teaching Fellows one-year program includes: • An 8-week internship so that you can decide if CMC Teaching Fellows and NTR are right for you • Rigorous, hands-on night classes taught in Nashville by NTR to complement classroom work in CMCSS • Mentoring, coaching and support from NTR staff and experienced CMCSS teachers   Teacher Placement: We guarantee full-time teaching positions in ELA or math at a CMCSS middle or high school for all CMC Teaching Fellows graduates.   Our Ideal Fellows: Successful candidates are talented, ambitious, gritty, hard-working and socially committed individuals who are devoted to teaching in CMCSS after completing the CMC Teaching Fellows and Nashville Teacher Residency. We especially encourage candidates of color to apply.   Click here to download the application.   For more information, contact [email protected].

Kindergarten Kickoffs

Kindergarten Kickoffs Announced

Kindergarten Kickoffs for the 2018-19 school year will be held March through May at each of the 23 CMCSS elementary schools offering kindergarten. Barkers Mill, May 3 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Barksdale, April 5, from 5 – 6 p.m. Byrns Darden, April 19 from 4:30-5:30 p.m.


Four School Expansions Funded

The Montgomery County Commission has approved funding for expansions of four CMCSS schools. The projects, totaling $14.6 million,  will be located at Northeast Middle, Northeast High, Minglewood Elementary and Barkers Mill Elementary to address the burgeoning population growth in those areas.   According to CMCSS Director of Schools Millard House, “We appreciate the County Commission’s support and the County Mayor’s leadership in helping the school system appropriately serve our community’s children. With the population growth in Clarksville-Montgomery County, we want to respond with providing adequate educational facilities for optimal student learning environments.”   Chief Operations Officer Jim Sumrell added, “Plans are in place to begin construction in March of all four school expansions, with preparation work starting immediately. There will be temporary adjustments for students, their families and our staff as we begin work on the buildings, with changes to traffic patterns as one example. Principals at all four schools will share communication with their stakeholders to continuously inform them of potential impacts. Plans are to have the projects complete by mid-school year 2018-19.”   Student populations in CMCSS have grown by around 2,500 students over the past two years. The expansions will add 46 classrooms among the four schools.   Click below to view the approved expansion plans for each school: Barkers Mill Elementary Minglewood Elementary Northeast High Northeast Middle

CMCSS Classes In Session for Presidents Day

Schools will be in session on Monday, Feb. 19 which is Presidents Day. Because students have missed six days of classes due to inclement weather, the makeup plan approved by the School Board last summer has students making up their sixth missed day on Presidents Day.

Student Survey

Air Quality Control Survey (Middle School) Air Quality Control Survey (High School) Questions may be directed to [email protected].

Early College and Career Options

Currently, CMCSS offers innovative programs like the Academies of CMCSS in all seven of the traditional high schools. Additionally, each high school offers options like dual enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), and Career Technical Education (CTE) courses.   “CMCSS is committed to ensuring that multiple college and career pathways exist,” stated Millard L. House II, Director of Schools. “Our hope is to build on to the foundation for a strong workforce, an improved quality of life, and a strengthened basis for success for our students.”   CMCSS will offer two new programs: CMCSS at Nashville State Community College (NSCC) and CMCSS at Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT). Both of these programs will offer students hands-on learning experiences and opportunities to earn industry certifications while completing the necessary high school courses for graduation.   CMCSS at NSCC will be offering certifications in both Early Childhood Education and Logistics. At CMCSS at TCAT, students can work towards certifications in Diesel Powered Equipment Technology, Industrial Maintenance and Electricity, Pharmacy Technician, and HVAC/Refrigeration.   “One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to education,” said Dr. Jean Luna, CMCSS Director of High Schools. “It is important for us to offer as many options as possible to meet the needs of our diverse student body. By providing numerous industry-aligned and student-interest-based pathways, we can empower our students to make choices that help them achieve their career and life goals.”   In addition to the new programs, the Middle College at Austin Peay State University (APSU) has revised its program and will be offering two different pathways. The Transitional Middle College Pathway will be similar to the current Middle College program with some enhancements. The Associate Degree Pathway will allow students who complete their junior and senior years the opportunity to graduate with both a high […]


Schools in CMCSS will be closed on Friday.  School staff including Child Nutrition are asked to report from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Custodians are asked to report at 8:30 a.m.  Bus drivers, aides and monitors do not report.  Employees are encouraged to use caution around campuses.  All school-based employees will receive an email with more details regarding tomorrow.  Central Support at Gracey, South, Greenwood and Operations report at 10:00 a.m.  Because Friday is the sixth day missed this school year, the inclement weather makeup plan will go into effect and schools will be in session on Presidents Day, February 19.

Assistant Principal Appointed for Minglewood/Ringgold

Donna Gagliardi, a 19-year teaching veteran and academic coach, has been named as assistant principal serving both Minglewood and Ringgold Elementary Schools. Her experience includes being an academic coach at Ringgold and serving as a fifth grade teacher at Ringgold. She also has experience teaching in Illinois. Gagliardi has a master’s degree with honors from Austin Peay State University in Education Leadership. She graduated from Western Illinois University with a B.S. in elementary education. She also completed the CMCSS Aspiring Administrators Academy.